Here’s my “Hello World” post…

Greetings and salutations.  Welcome to my blog, which will most likely die a quick and silent death.  I’ve never been much for writing.  I rarely even post anything of significance on my own Facebook wall.  And yet, here I am.  I’ve just felt the urge to put thoughts down to “page” quite a lot lately, and decided to give it a go.  We will just have to wait and see if I have any “stick-to-it-ness” for blogging. 

I guess I should start with a little about myself.  I am a widowed father of two boys, ages 15 and 11.  I lost my wife of nearly 17 years in a car accident early last year.  I’m pretty sure that, in amongst the various and sundry posts about business articles that catch my eye, I will throw in a few personal posts here and there about the life of a widower. 

I have been in the IT profession for close to 20 years now.  I’ve hopped from industry to industry, and I currently find myself working for an oil and gas exploration company.  I also do jobs on the side (web sites, custom programming, etc), and I am trying to get a Christian themed clothing brand off the ground.  I have a degree in mathematics, and I am currently pursuing an MBA.

Incidentally, I have a pretty dry and sarcastic sense of humor, and it will rear its ugly head from time to time.  If something I say rubs you the wrong way, my apologies in advance.  No harm is intended.

And with that, I will wind up this first…and possibly last…post.  (Full of optimism, aren’t I?)  Until next time…
